
like father, like daughter

proof it is hereditary.
photo taken from my dad's closet.


Song for the Insomniac

It’s late sleepyhead
Tired, but you can’t sleep
And though I am away
I’m sending you deep tranquility
So you can dream of me
Just close your eyes
And hear my humming
I’m coming

Let my song blanket you, sweet man
Carried on caravan to the stars
I’m lying next to you
Let your mind go
And float away
And flow my way

This song is for my insomniac
Sit back and unpack your worries
I’m here to take you to the place
Where your heart is calm

I’m your cure
I’m your sleeping pill
And your pillow, dear
I’m your cure
I’m your sleeping pill
And your pillow, dear

This song is for my insomniac
Sit back and unpack your worries
I’m here to take you to the place
Where your heart is calm

(c) song lyrics by janean lesyk


nerd alert!

today i was handed a clic eraser
and i lit up like a school girl.

i wrote in pencil on everything today
and even made a few errs
on purpose.

my favorite eraser is still the pink pearl.
love that font.
ps. it is fun to type the word eraser...


b1nary l0ve

0nly saw y0u from a d1stance
w1th all that space 1 just made up the d1fference
n0w 1'm s0rting thr0ugh the 1s and 0s
dec0d1ng what 1 d1dn't kn0w

1 see the facts and calculat10ns
1 red1rect and make c0rrect10ns
1 cl0se 0ne d00r and change d1rect10ns
1 run away and make reject10ns

1 wanted y0u, my 0ne select10n
1've sat thr0ugh years 0f 1ntr0spect10n
1 walked around w1th heart 1nfect10n
1 asked f0r g0d, asked f0r pr0tect10n
he gave me truth and resurrect10n
he gave me peace, a new c0nnect10n
1'll walk 1n th1s r00m, make c0nfess10n
1 want y0u st1ll, my 0ne select10n

n0w w1th the facts and calculat10ns
1 see y0u n0w w1th 1mperfec10ns
but 1 want y0u n0w, y0u are perfect10n
1 want y0u st1ll, my 0ne select10n

cause 1 0nly saw y0u fr0m a d1stance
and w1th all that space 1 just made up the d1fference
but n0w 1 have the eyes t0 see
y0u are s0 much m0re than 1 c0uld ever c0nce1ve

(c) 2008 janean lesyk



the ebb

my heart beats up and down
nothing in this town
makes it make that sound
but you

the light comes in and out
like the ebb of hope and flow of doubt
please don't make me wait like that
(c) janean lesyk


nana nana na na!

so i drive... alot.
and really enjoy my time in the car.
i listen to good music,
brainstorm about design projects,
catch up on phone calls with friends,
get lost & explore new areas, etc.

however, it does get frustrating
when you run into a road jerk.
and boy can the fingers fly!

but i've come up with a different plan.
i stick my tongue out.
and here's the thing - it works.
(and keeps me off the 10 o'clock news)
try it sometime.


you lucky man

i really got into van morrison yesterday
and it got me to thinking about
my friend's
little baby boy
and how lucky he is to
be called by
the same name.

this is the baby shower invite i designed for his mama.
(c) 2008 janean lesyk


think ink

when i was thinking about a new tattoo,
i came up with this mobile design -
a twist on the charm bracelet.
i liked the idea of adding on

throughout life when something inspired.
can't you just see it down a beautiful back?


the heart of the home

is the kitchen!
(complete with a fun 'chalkboard' wall.)


haiku #041809

dressing up tonight
to emulsify all three
disco recipe


wanna shag?

post dedicated to all those that like to
shag & swing!
i'm talking about dance.

poster designs (c) janean lesyk



(c) janean lesyk



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I may seem stressed

but I’m a seamstress
stitching up something special,
something you don’t dare to wear.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Today I’m depressed
but I’ll soon possess
something special that you’ll want
and I won’t be there.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You should know by now
the pattern that I hold,
the fabric of my soul.
I’m good with my hands
you should know this by now.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thimbles don’t protect
nimble fingers nor thoughts.
I don’t have time for what I’m not
when there is so much to do
with who I am.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(c) 2009 janean lesyk


beauty of a line

i love mail.
(my absolute favorite is a piece of snail mail.
however, any form will do.)
Today my friend emailed me

some drawings from my retired sketchbook.

it is nice to remember these things.
thanks B!
(c) janean lesyk


when i need a change

and a little pick me up,
i watch this clip (on repeat):

because there is something so magical
a public display of expression.
it is the sense of humanity
that makes me feel alive.

a friend of mine shared this clip with me yesterday:

i have a smile on my face and tears in my eyes.
talk about a beautiful thing.


i need a time out...

...to smell the roses,
make lemonade from the tree's bounty
and bask in the simple pleasures of the day.


everyone needs...

... a dose of love!
card design (c) janean lesyk


the eve of me

( poem & painting for tomorrow's eve - a short film by becca )
(c) 2003 janean lesyk


no. 2 obsession

i can't stop buying pencils.

but frankly, i don't want to...
because it just makes my day
to see them
waiting for me.
(especially in my mom's vintage peanuts can.)


take me higher

(c) etching by janean lesyk


another peek...

...into my new bathroom.


sunny monday haiku

yellow day today
my mood and thoughts elevate
oh, how the sun sticks!

(c) paper plate sharpie art by jeffrey fulvimari


a listening session lesson

after a mild beating from a friend...
i am dedicating my sunday night
to scott walker.

(c) chris walter photography



without enough time to use the hairdryer,
i left the house with dripping strands.

the weather isn't quite warm enough
to use the windows-down system...
so i cranked up the heat and
pointed the vents directly at my hair.



gushing stars

>>> a fun wall mural painted for
my best friend's little boy, Jaxon.




No diamonds on my path
I’m out here alone in this map
of grid and dust and frustration
music up, windows down
I need that, believe that

when thoughts invade
my mind concaves to collect
things in this red sea
and there you are beside me
throwing paper airplanes into my seat

“the currants and carrots in your hair”
“the merit and current of your stare”
notes of each knot I made on your heart string
each orbit made ‘round your core’s ring
“your presence and debonair”

you - a diamond in my path
out here to fill this gap
with a grin and trust and admiration
guard down, arms up
I need that, believe that

(c) 2009